Boxer and Shar Pei mix

March 24, 2017
My inside guard dog
1, 056 posts, read 3, 190, 146 times

Reputation: 1115

I agree with all the folks that are against these so called "designer breeds" There are so many dogs out there in shelters. And I'm sure with all these mixed breedings there's going to be a lot more.

Shame on anyone that contributes to these breeders. These people are breeding for one reason. Money!

There's also someone else on this board that has a daushund/chihuahua mix. I just don't get it!!!


Location: Cumberland Co., TN

13, 289 posts, read 14, 114, 313 times

Reputation: 14789

1, 056 posts, read 3, 190, 146 times

Is the pug the father or the shar pei?

Location: In the sticks, SC

1, 642 posts, read 3, 510, 984 times

Reputation: 1067

Didn't most dog breeds start out as mixes? My favorite breed the Boston Terrier started out as a mix between an Olde English Bulldog and a White English Terrier. Frenchies started out as a Bulldog, Pug, and Terrier mix.

1, 056 posts, read 3, 190, 146 times

Very cute and sweet. I wish you many happy years together.

5 posts, read 37, 913 times

Reputation: 17

First of all that is my 1 and 1/2 year old dog up there. This dog was not bread on purpose or for any money. Moderator cut: rude . Its a mutt, yes, thats true, but this dog is now 9 1/2 years old and has never had a health problem also used as a service dog for a blind 10 year old neighbor boy. The mother and father were both my sisters previous pets and no profit was involved. Moderator cut: hoatile language

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Shar pei and boxer playing 19breeders
Shar pei and boxer playing 19breeders
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Shakira and her Lab/Shar Pei-mix pups need YOUR help
Boxer and shar pei playing
Boxer and shar pei playing
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